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According to the habits that real users will understand

When the website is launched. Another thing that front-end developers need to learn today 6. Accessibility & Responsive Design The latest data that we hear a lot from various surveys regarding what devices people use to access websites is that “the majority of users currently access websites via mobile devices (cellphones) rather than computers/laptops”. Armed with this data, of course the skills to create responsive web and mobile design are one of the most important things to be mastered by someone who wants to work in the field of front-end development in the current smartphone era. Today’s websites must be able to be accessed from various devices, this is important so that all visitors can be accommodated and can be served well.

So as not to run away and switch

To another website. Media queries are an absolute requirement to learn, apart from that, using CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation can make this easier. Learning the Grid will also make it easier to create responsive websites. 7. Git & Versioning Control System Git has know Belgium WhatsApp Data for a long time, especially for Linux developers. However, recently Git has become widely used for web development, including front-end development . With Git we can easily develop the system, save new code to the latest version, or return to an old, stable version if what we develop does not work well or causes errors and problems. This way you will avoid fatal errors in website code development.

Whatsapp Data

Working with the help of Git can make

It easier to collaborate with other people or teams in the development process. Each person can develop different modules and later combine the results into one complete system, which will certainly save time. 8. Web Performance One of the factors that makes a website successful in search engines is SEO success. One of the factors for SEO success is how the website performs. Website speed is a factor taken into Hungary Whatsapp Number List account by search engines, especially Google. From the user’s perspective, website speed also affects visitors. Base on data from various surveys, visitors who wait more than 3 seconds when opening. A website tend to immediately leave the website and look for what they need from another website.

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