Egypt Phone Number List

A list of phone numbers that are uniquely relevant to Egyptian people, companies, and organisations is known as an Egypt phone number list. Businesses and marketers wishing to target the Egyptian market with their goods, services, or advertising campaigns will find these lists to be useful resources. Sorted by location, industry, or client type, the list usually contains a variety of contact details, including landline numbers, mobile numbers, and occasionally email addresses. Businesses can use this to effectively segment their audience for more specialised marketing campaigns.

The Egypt Phone Number List is especially helpful for email campaigns, SMS marketing, and telemarketing, making it easy for companies to connect with clients and customers. 

3 Million
Amount Of Record

Egypt Mobile Phone Number

The term “Egypt mobile phone number” describes a phone number that is used for mobile calls inside Egypt. Usually, these numbers start with the country code +20 and then a prefix unique to the mobile company. Three major carriers—Voda Egypt, Orange Egypt, and Etisalat Misr—control the majority of Egypt’s mobile phone network. Each provides unique mobile services and nationwide coverage. Egypt’s mobile phone numbering system uses a 10-digit format, with the first digits denoting the carrier. For example, Vodafone Egypt is typically linked to numbers that begin with 010, Etisalat Misr to 011, and Orange Egypt to 012. 

Buy Egypt Phone Number

Businesses or individuals wishing to have a local presence in Egypt may find that purchasing an Egypt phone number is a wise strategic choice. Gaining a local phone number will make it simple for Egyptian partners or clients to reach you, fostering confidence and enabling more efficient communication. Numerous businesses provide virtual Egypt phone lines that let you route calls to any number, including your cell phone or your current business line. Businesses wishing to enter new markets without having to pay for a real presence in Egypt would find this service especially helpful. Furthermore, these numbers can be utilised for a number of things, including SMS marketing campaigns, sales enquiries, and customer support. 

3 Million Package

Total Phone Numbers: 3 Million

Price: $4,000

1 Million Package

Total Phone Numbers: 1 Million

Price: $1,500

500K Package

Total Phone Numbers: 500,000

Price: $1,000

100K Package

Total Phone Numbers: 100,000

Price: $350

Make Order for Trial Package

Total Phone Numbers: 10,000

Price: $150

All Phone Data Included Have
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Egypt Phone number list
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