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telephone code abu dhabi

Google snippet search, position 0 on Google google search Google snippet search, position 0 on Google Silvia Pagano Articles positioning, search queries, SEO, snippet search No comment You will have notic that more and more often, when you are looking for how to do a job at home, how to prepare some recipes or general knowlge questions, the “position 0” on Google has a different format than the usual links:

Given that mobile searches

screenshot_snippet_walls The featur result, or featur snippet, is Netherlands WhatsApp Number an increasingly popular feature; design by the search engine to facilitate the user, it allows you to find information more quickly. It is in fact the preview of the page most relevant to the query, which allows you to read the answer to your question without having to navigate to the link page. This new “zero position” is easily recogniz thanks to the characteristic format in which the contents, which can be in text or video form, appear before the link itself. braid video screenshot A very useful tool for those who surf the net in search of knowlge, but which makes us marketers raise an eyebrow.

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Have overtaken desktop searches

After years of writing deliberately  and promising Netherlands WhatsApp Number meta descriptions in hopes that someone will click on our link, we’re suddenly delivering the answer directly to the user. Aren’t we in danger of losing visitors? Google’s answer is obviously no, on the contrary, it seems that featur snippets give an extra boost to site traffic, but other sources over the months have publish conflicting searches on the matter. It certainly increases visibility on smaller screens, and   worldwide, it’s a boon to consider.


To try to aspire to the first position, the advice is the most disparate. Everyone seems to agree on the fact that the Mountain View giant favors content with simple and concise answers, preferably position at the beginning of the article, in a separate paragraph. This structure encourages bloggers and copywriters to adopt a hierarchical structure of information in their articles, with the main information at the head, follow by the arguments and insights at the end, which recalls the norms of traditional good writing.

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