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The default Android applications such as

Hangouts, Google+ and Google Search can also help Google find out where you are. 4. Google knows who you interact with . This one is really scary. Can you imagine if we had a boyfriend like Google who could know who we interacted with? Google can do this because Google has social media that you usually use, such as Google+, Hangouts and also Gmail. Google automatically knows who interacts with you. Not only that, Google can also understand our voices with the help of the Google Voice that we usually use. Grandma’s cool.

Google Knows How You Spend

Your Money Do you like shopping? Well, Google can also know where you shop, what items you buy and how much it costs you to shop. For those of you who like shopping Thailand WhatsApp Data online, Google can easily find out things like this. All the online shops you have visited are neatly recorded in Google’s memory. Especially if you use Google Wallet for transactions. Google can even estimate how much you spend every time you shop. Why does Google do all this? The father did all this with the aim of the relevance of the father’s advertising.

Whatsapp Data

That way Google will know

What ads are relevant to show to you. But the lady is also fair, if you want to delete your data on Google, all you have to do is visit Google History and delete all your activities while surfing in cyberspace. This is certainly not good, therefore write naturally and focus on what your website visitors Chile Whatsapp Number List like, don’t focus too much on writing for robots. 4. Don’t use underhanded tricks It’s not about the system working. If you try to trick search engines, your organic traffic success won’t last long. So it is highly recommended to avoid cheating tricks and shortcuts in SEO.

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