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But not everything is perfect

But not everything is perfect. The process requires a significant amount of work, which can cause leaders to lose focus on the business. Doing the IPO is also an expensive and bureaucratic process . Which requires people specialized in the subject, as we have already said. It is also necessary to note that the partners do not always keep the money from the shares, as the original investors may demand that the money be invested back into the company.

The owner has even less control

Over the business and, ultimately, his company may face Czech Republic Mobile Number List more frequent regulations, both from the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and from shareholders, making many details about the business public. There is also the investor’s point of view, for whom this movement represents an opportunity to acquire shares at a good price and then watch them rise, obtaining a large profit. But be careful: as this is the first time that the share has been traded publicly, the results are difficult to predict.

The value may skyrocket

But it may end up falling soon after. Assessing the risk Cayman Islands Phone Number List that the investor is willing to take is essential. Startup IPO Examples Startup IPOs are not always successful. You don’t have to search the internet much to find frustrated examples of this type of offer. And of course this also happens in other types of companies. But, in the world of startups, expectations are sky-high.

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